New Interpretation of Minkowski’s Space and Time

Abstract This article explores Hermann Minkowski’s groundbreaking 1908 lecture Space and Time, where he  introduced his Theory of the Absolute World. This theory, which encompasses the concept of four-dimensional spacetime, proposed a multispace paradigm, suggesting that reality consists of multiple independent spacetimes. The article examines the misinterpretation of...

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Minkowski’s Discovery of the Multispace Paradigm of Reality

Abstract This article explores Hermann Minkowski’s groundbreaking 1908 lecture Space and Time, where he  introduced his Theory of the Absolute World. This theory, which encompasses the concept of four-dimensional spacetime, proposed a multispace paradigm, suggesting that reality consists of multiple independent spacetimes. The theory challenges the conventional singular...

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Multiverse Paradigm of Physical Reality: The Theory of Decaying Universes

Abstract. We present compelling evidence that reality encompasses more than just our own universe by examining several celestial objects that are widely known but not fully understood. First, we argue that the Milky Way galaxy is not planar or warped at both ends, but rather convex, having emerged from a quasi-spherical universe. Second, we propose that some nebulae and...

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State of Fundamental Physics

Facts and Open Questions of Fundamental Physics Since the dawn of humanity, we have lived with the paradigm that our universe is the alpha and omega of reality, a unique and smooth space. However, while working within this paradigm science has accumulated many questions to which no one has yet found, and may never find, the answers. What are the true natures of space,...

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